Faircloth Real Estate Group

Cheers to a Year of Unexpected Door Openings!

Posted By: Lindsay Faircloth In: Happy Holidays
Date: Wed, Jan 3rd 2024 10:54 am

Happy 2024!
Welcome to the new year! This year, I decided to skip the clichés of holiday themed emails and blogs, opting for a different route, a dash of subtle humor and a sprinkle of gratitude to enter a brand new year.

2023 has been a rollercoaster for many, including myself. From unexpected twists to thrilling turns, it's been a journey, and I'm genuinely grateful to have had you on board. Your trust in me has made it an incredible ride.

Now, let's talk resolutions. Actually, LET'S NOT. Resolutions lead to stress over not reaching sometimes unrealistic goals which leads to anxiety, then shame spirals....you get the picture. Let's talk growth instead. Growth in some way everyday, no matter how big or how small. If there is an opportunity to grow I am taking it and I hope you do to!

Here's to the clients who made last year memorable and to the ones who are about to make this year legendary. To past clients who continue to be a bright spot in my life, and to all who play a positive role in my world. I will even raise my glass to those who didn't have such a positive role because they forced me to grow into a more patient, more determined, and more compassionate person. May your 2024 be filled with more good surprises and more ups than downs.

Thank you for being a part of my real estate journey and a part of my world. Here's to the doors we'll open together in the coming year! 

