It has been a long time coming but Property Rookies now has a website.....and a great one at that!! Someone asked me the other why I decided to get into real estate and why I was STILL in real estate. I found the last part funny. I'll tell you why later. To answer the first part of the question, I got into real estate because I had an awful experience purchasing my first home. The entire process from beginning to end was nothing short of terrible, though I could think of several other words that would better describe it, but I digress. I could bore you to tears with the details but needless to say it boiled down to a heated argument at the closing between myself and the listing agent. We came to a stale mate and I refused to sign the closing papers. My agent stepped in at that time and made it right, realizing that I was serious and the entire deal was about to fall apart at the table. I left there with keys in hand but somehow I felt like I lost. I ended up hating that house and I couldn't help but think that there had to be a better way. Surely there had to be someone who cared about ME, not just the "deal" and the check attached to it. It was then that I decided I wanted to be that person for every first time home buyer and seller.........and here we are! 8 years later I am still loving my job and my clients! I have been blessed to make so many new friends and I have to say, though it's not always easy ( BELIEVE ME it's not always easy these days) I can't imagine doing anything else.
Why am I STILL in real estate, especially after everything that has happened? It's not about the money. Settle down, I heard that momentary scoffing! Let's not be silly here, I'm not saying I'm a volunteer, I do have a family to support. What I mean is, my clients really matter to me. Everyone goes to work for a paycheck, me included, but there is something about my clients that keeps me going, even when I'd like to walk away. I have so much respect and thankfulness to my clients for choosing me to help them with such a big decision in their lives, I owe them nothing but the best and I will do whatever it takes to see that they get it. I love every area of real estate, yes, even the "red tape" and difficult patches, but there's just something about the look on a client's face when they close on their new home or sell the home that they needed to sell. To know that I got to be a part of that is a great reward in itself.
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