Posted By Lindsay Faircloth @ Apr 13th 2015 6:11pm In: Selling your home

If you've ever sold a home before you know the routine. Call 3 agents, talk to all of them, listen to the same information in 3 different ways and pick the one you liked the best, right?  So what happened after the appointment? It was exciting, getting the lock box put on, seeing the sign in the yard and knowing it was going to be online. That's great! Then what? The most common complaint from any client who has listed a home that didn't sell is "I never heard from my agent". Now there could be many reasons for this and there are always two sides to the story but I'll spare you the rhetoric and sales talk and get right to the point. Here is what sellers want!

  • A customized marketing plan!

Sometimes it seems as though every listing presentation is the same. What would you like to list it for? How much do you owe? How fast do you want to sell? Yada, yada, yada. As a seller, wouldn't you rather have an agent who comes in and says, "Here's what the market looks like and here is the marketing plan that I have come up with for your house that will help us sell it quickly!" You want to hear about your house and HOW I am going to market and sell it. The numbers are important and play a vital role in the listing/sales price but the most important thing is getting you from point A to point B and making you happy while we get there. Wouldn't it be nice to see a sample website that includes information on ONLY your home with beautiful photos that show all of the wonderful features it has? I can do that for you! After all, you should get what you pay for.

  • To be seen!

Placing a listing on the MLS (multiple listing service) is a great tool but it shouldn't stop there. The yard sign will only bring in so many calls and hopefully the person on the end of the phone knows all about your home but they probably won't. You need internet presence AND a personal touch! A company website, a personal agent website, a custom site for just your home, social media and video. All of these outlets work together to sell your home. Handwritten notes for neighborhood mailings, email campaigns, open houses, professional networking, etc. These are all things that will get you seen as a seller and you should choose an agent who includes these as part of your marketing plan and includes it in their services. 

  • Accessibility to their agent!

Seriously, this is a big one. Nothing is more frustrating than getting voice mail every time you call or text messages are read but never responded to. If sending an email takes days to get a response, then that is unacceptable. As a seller, you want to know that your agent is always accessible to you. It may take a few hours sometimes but you should be able to email, call, or text your agent at any time and know that they will receive it AND respond. You matter and your agent should always make you feel that way.

  • To know that you are a priority!

Though the agent you choose may have more listings than just yours, you should always still feel like a priority. No matter the price of your home or the location, you should be treated the same as every other client and have comfort in knowing that your agent feels the same way. Reasonable business hours apply but if you feel ass though you are always pushed off until the next day even though you reached out that morning, there is definitely something wrong with that. 

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